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New management of corporation TogliattiAzot

With Vladimir Nikolaevich arrival the production association has begunethe way of for concrete reorganization in all spheres of the activity. Introduction in manufacture of high technologies became one of priorities of " Togliattiazot ". An example is the construction and start-up of manufacture of methanol, not having analogues in the world; release of non-polluting pitch. A new word in the chemical and petrochemical industry became steel огнеупоры with mark < Togliattiazot >. At the same time Vladimir Nikolaevicha's program on support domestic сельхозпроизводителя factory is successfully realized not only offers the fertilizers on mutually advantageous conditions, but also provides with the advanced technical equipment for entering their ground.

Since 90th years Vladimir Nikolaevich startув to put into practice some scale projects on socially economic importance. This construction of brick-works on the Spanish technology, manufactures on release глазурированной bars, a polyethylene film, furniture, wood plate МДФ, a tile, divisions on assembly of the South-Korean equipment and buses , manufacturing стеклопакетов, window and door blocks on the Austrian technology. Under the direction of Vladimir Nikolaevich the of Joint-Stock Company conducts constructive policy, which essence in improvement of quality of a life and a life of the townspeople. TogliattiAzot This is creation of workplaces and preservation of the environment; construction of habitation, welfare projects, roads; the organization of high-grade health services, and also rest and leisure of people.

Corporation < Togliattiazot > has more than 45 international awards, the winner of the governmental premium and the special Diploma for the best contribution to socially economic development of Russia in XX century. During all labour activity Vladimir Nikolaevich successfully combines scientific and industrial work. On his account 35 of inventions and scientific articles, the monography. The government of Russia highly has estimated Mahlaj contribution to a domestic science and the industry. He was given the academic status of the academician of Academy of problems of quality, a member of the correspondent and the doctor of the Russian Academy of natural sciences, the full member of the International Academy of business, a scientific degree of doctor Hanoris Causa of Association .

Vladimir Nikolaevich has government awards: (1970), the Award (1976), the Award (1981), the Award (1985), the Commemorative medal of Academy (2000), a medal (2000), the Diploma and a commemorative medal of the winner of 1-st All-Russia competition in a nomination (2001). For fruitful work in the field of the chemical industry, development of a social infrastructure of Tolyatti on May, 16, 2001 to Mahlaju Vladimir Nikolaevichu was given a rank .

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