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Aleksander Murysev

Well he convenient for communist in any way did not correspond to an image of the obedient, pocket head. He "strained" a lot of people - eternally moved on areas, on factories and the fields, patching uncountable holes of socialist горехозяйствования and not hastening to rest on the laurels put on a grade. At once he rescues from a magnificent secretarial apartment on Vilonovskaya street suddenly conceived to transfer a summer residence of region committee to children's home: "it is too smartly hurt for us... "

You know, despite of impressive appearance, father really was a person. And hypochondriac - in that sense that close accepted everything And he have left many forces and health on construction of HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION (having refused from tempting posts in Moscow under a pretext: " I want to finish this construction itself, give me to make ") - he very much was proud of the Star received for it. When have submitted the list on assignment of a rank of Hero Sotstruda, Murysev originally therefrom have deleted. From the assignment and then everyone who were in this list, have risen on his protection. Ekskavatorshchik Alexey Ulesov: " If Murysev the Star not allow, then also to us to anybody "...

And in 1962 in Kuybishev region have reaped an inconceivable crop. But Hrushev in fact squandered left-right, and we fraternized with Chinese at that time - and all this great crop area obliged to hand over in the help to the Chinese friends. Father has told, that will not do it. And then on next, it seems September, plenum Nikita Sergeevich from a high tribune has named the father " the enemy of people ". He has told, that " such it is necessary to shoot ". Also has added: " Break the Star, you don't who didn't bear objections "...

Hrushov was ready to break and crush personally the award which itself has attached in August 1958го...

As told then Murysev to the Moscow friends, after trick Hrushev at him{it} " first time in a life on a back flew sweat and squelched in boots ". As usual, " in a lobby " at once all from him{it} have turned away. Except for Bregnev - the only thing who has tried to calm the secretary who has got in disgrace.

Somewhere in family archive is made long before these events of a photo for memory: Murysev, Hrushev and Bregnev - a number, smile. But it as the senior daughter asserts, at all the certificate of friendship. " There is such serpentary and if not you and little girls, would directly there have risen and has put the party membership card ", - has told Murysev to the wife, having returned with plenum.

He could not go through it, - Galina Aleksandrovna considers. - And I for also could not hear surname Hrushev many years: in fact have killed the father, and has killed Nikita Sergeevich. And for what? That bread has not given. But the most interesting, that have all the same taken out bread. And in Samara it was the first year when the flour and macaroni began under coupons, and bread was such, that is it was impossible... He, probably, would chew insult, has swallowed disappointment, but the heart reminding of during all of his life, long-term and scars (as has then shown opening), later some weeks after public beatings it has simply stopped, not having overcome the third heart attack successively. And though doctors spoke, that with such heart he could die still about twenty years ago, - but in fact has not died!..

Daughters assert, that it was it in Mishore where parents have gone to have a rest after plenum: " Father was obvious in weary strain it a condition, and our valorous physicians treated him for cold "...

Others consider, that business was in the other place - in "glorified" for quite some time now Foros. After a feast with Gagarin with which, as well as with other cosmonauts from the first group, Murysev was connected by old fniedship: in Kuibyshev, as is known, there passed after flight rehabilitation, and in the same family archive set of photos of Alexander Sergeevich with cosmonauts.

- Gagarin, Titov, Nikolaev, Popovich, Komarov - with these people he had, probably, really friendly relations. They concerned uneasy to him such sensation, that they simply loved him, - Galina Aleksandrovna speaks - And when the daddy has died, the wreath from cosmonauts, and Korolev has sent the telegram...

Same sincere, as in connection with assignment of a rank of the Hero for Kuibishevskaya HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION...

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